View All Fruit Trees


Click on any plant to view details and see a photograph;

Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' - Brown Turkey Fig

Malus 'Dexter Jackson' - Dexter Jackson Apple

Malus 'Dolgo' - Dolgo Crabapple

Malus 'Gemini' - Gemini Apple

Malus 'Goodland' - Goodland Apple

Malus 'Hardi-Mac' - Hardi-Mac Apple

Malus 'Honeycrisp' - Honeycrisp Apple

Malus 'Jefsey' - Odyssey Apple

Malus 'Kerr' - Kerr Apple-Crab

Malus 'Norkent' - Norkent Apple

Malus 'Norland' - Norland Apple

Malus 'Rescue' - Rescue Apple-Crab

Prunus 'Brookred' - Brookred Plum

Prunus 'Evans' - Evans Cherry

Prunus 'Mount Royal' - Mount Royal Plum

Prunus 'Pembina' - Pembina Plum

Prunus 'Toka' - Toka Plum

Prunus virginiana - Western Chokecherry

Prunus virginiana 'Bailey Select' - Bailey's Select Schubert Chokecherry

Prunus virginiana 'Midnight Schubert' - Midnight Schubert Chokecherry

Pyrus 'Ure' - Ure Pear

Pyrus ussuriensis 'Early Gold' - Early Gold Pear

Pyrus ussuriensis 'Golden Spice' - Golden Spice Pear

Pyrus ussuriensis 'Paul' - Paul's Golden Pear (New For 2024)


  • Mon. - Sat.    9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Sun.                       Closed
  • Hours may vary on Holidays

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